Organisational Development Workshops

Enabling Objective-based methodology to structure deeper changes in the system

Build Future Readiness

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Organisational Development Workshops

Enabling Objective-based methodology to structure deeper changes in the system

Build Future Readiness

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“All improvement begins with the identification of a problem.”

— Masaaki Imai
We are people capability enablers, supporting your strategic business objectives. We focus on aspects such as Business Planning, shaping recruitment strategies, and leadership readiness. All this is to support a growth mindset and build sustainable business results.

The objective of Organization development (OD) is towards improving a company’s performance through the alignment of strategy, structure, people, rewards, metrics, and management processes. OD centres on culture, innovation, change management organization behaviour, and research design.

In the growing economies like India and various parts of Asia , Organisational development programmes become a critical necessity ; All this helps senior leadership to be better prepared to handle massive opportunities.

Organization development Programmes have a very deep purpose; The outcome of the well-designed organization development Programmes are tangible and measurable business outcomes. The examples of outcomes OD Programmes are:

  • Healthier sales pipeline
  • Better retention of high-quality talent
  • Good quality customer acquisition
  • Better NPS and CSAT Scores
  • Cross Functional Leadership Pipeline -Readiness of successors

Four simple objectives of Organisational development Programmes in terms of behavioral changes:

  • Turn judgement into curiosity
  • Turn conflict into shared exploration
  • Turn defensiveness into self-reflection
  • Turn assumptions into questions
Above behavioral goals can be achieved through well structured leadership development journeys. Working to enable deeper inner transformation of middle, senior and top leadership becomes critical
Orgnisational Development workshops

Executive Coaching

How do we build significant changes for better performance of the business?

An organisation’s future depends on Senior executive’s abilities to ideate and implement crucial strategies. Invest your attention to the coach and align your senior management team.

Organisational Development workshops
Organisational Development Workshops in India

Sales Leadership Coaching

The Sales Head’s job is to meet people’s business goals and expectations from time to time.

That needs a good combination of high EQ coupled with a Strategic Mindset.

Effective Performance Appraisals

The objective is to make performance appraisals reach their desired goals, with higher levels of acceptance and effectiveness.

Sensitising the business impact of the appraisal process is crucial for “Buying in” of the entire performance management system.

Organisational Development Workshops
Organisational Development workshops

Creating a Vibrant Workplace

CUVA (Connect-Understand- Value- Appreciate) approach helps to build healthier collaborations – Leadership roles are becoming increasingly demanding as more work is conducted remotely, traditional company boundaries become more porous, people tend to work in isolation, and hence partnerships within the organizations are becoming more necessary than ever.

Building and Nurturing Business Partnerships

How do we build stronger and better partnerships?

Do you want ease in doing business?

You would always need partners who can enable our business. Businesses constantly require honing capabilities to build and strengthen relationships.

And, Partnerships have a “life” of their own. Even if everything is functioning well in a partnership, it does so within a given context and for a given business situation.

Organisational Development Workshops

Managerial Excellence

What kind of sales team do we need for the current times?

How do we build significant changes for better performance of the business?

An organisation’s future depends on senior executives’ abilities to ideate and implements crucial strategies. Invest your attention to the coach and align your senior management team.

Professional Readiness and Personality Development

Professional etiquette is critical for individual development and organisational growth in a fast-paced corporate world.

Time, Involvement and energy are needed to develop the basics of Professionalism across the layers of the organisation.

If we don’t develop life skills in the formative years of a professional career, these don’t get corrected and become a roadblock to career growth.

Organisational Development Workshops

Executive Recommendation

Getting the relevant Business people at the top is crucial for business success. We do that by our techniques and insights developed over years of experience by our experts.

Succession Recommendation

Helping organisations with the right options internally and externally, we build a pipeline of cross functional leaders looking at the growth opportunities.

Training Need analysis

Understanding the business situations and enabling a Training Road Map for the sales and cross-functional team.

Learning and Development Services for SME

Many Organisations do not have a separate Learning and development function. We act as an outsourced Learning and Development Partner, especially for the Sales teams. We design smart solutions that do not take away too much time of the busy sales professionals.

Talent Pipeline Management across the functions

Adding the right people in right in the right place . Helping organisations assess their existing and future talent requirements based on the business plans and market scenarios.

Assessment Centres

Helping to design Sales performance assessment modules with utmost possible simplicity.

Development Centres

Based on the identified findings and engaging the sales team on relevant learning programmes.

Sales Training effectiveness Audit

Assessment of the effectiveness of the training from business and people centric considerations.

Attrition Alleviation

Identifying the reasons for attrition and enabling sets to lower the same .Sales teams can immensely benefit from healthy retention.

Retention Management

Enabling ways to strengthen retention management practices. Developing Entrepreneurship within the teams

Interview Panels and Sounding Board

Acting as an advisor to enable selection of people.

Managing Cultural Aspects of Transition

Managing emotions and synergies at the times of major cultural shifts and transitions.

Partner assessment

Assessing the existing business partners and channels for their future business readiness.

Aiding Partner Selection Process

Coming out with ways and approaches to attract the right kind of business partners.

Transitioning into a Leadership Role

Preparation is crucial before one takes up strategic roles. Bad hiring, fractured onboarding and minimal coaching are significant contributors to the debacle of leadership.


Organizational Development Programmes

Making Businesses Future Ready - Purpose,People and Processes

There are multiple objectives that need to be programmed and executed well to build change in the organization process. It’s a process that needs patience , stability, empathy and firmness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is organizational development? And why does it matter?

The OD interventions of are fundamentally designed to invoke a sense of higher purpose and ownership in doing our jobs. Classically organizational development programmes (OD) are interventions designed to analyse and build a firm’s capabilities across all levels in the organization. The main goal of an OD project is to build future readiness and address certain existential challenges too.

The aspects that are usually considered while designing an OD project include the business goals as well as the cultural goals. Looking at these two separately as well as in combination helps shape the mindset of the people. They are key parameters to ensure the success of the OD project and better performance of the resources. The model could be top-down or bottom-up. OD projects are usually long-term – one to three years. In recent times, even the MSMEs have started considering OD projects to build future readiness.

OD projects are a mix of training, coaching, one-on-one sessions, inspirational meet-ups, project works, etc. The goal is to create an urgency, focused on change. When starting an OD project, business leaders anticipate the challenges and opportunities and then use them to build roadmaps. OD projects help train people and turn goals into achievable milestones.

For example, when preparing for a cricket world, the team needs a lot of interventions – to set a regime, build strength and mindset, and bring on their A-game. To make the team winning-ready there has to be efforts borne by both the coach and the team. The case is similar for businesses. OD is focused on building future readiness systematically, which helps methodically build action points to avoid missing a timeline for achieving a goal.

Groval Selectia’s OD workshops are highly practical in nature. They are  designed to help leaders realize the personal benefits they can gain from  OD projects. Groval Selectia also helps organizations identify individuals  who have potential to grow personally and along with the organization’s  business goals. It is a well-designed combination of strategic thought  leadership and emotional intelligence – the key factors that enable  growth. When they join Groval Selectia’s workshops, founders and  leaders come with a high level of expectations. Our experts have  experience in managing domestic and international organizations and help  set their goals straight. Many organizations lack the awareness of  inculcating OD in their DNA. Our workshops help instill a sense of  pragmatism in the way they strategize growth. 

Our coaches take a dab at understanding the cultural aspect, the dreams, and the goals of the organization in question. There are a few questions that need to be answered – where does the organization stand right now? Why do they behave the way they do? What is their foundation? What are their long-term and short-term goals? It helps us understand the unique challenges of an organization, its processes, the mindset of the people, its strengths and weaknesses, its USPs, and the organization’s behavior as a whole. A lot of audit and understanding goes into the process. OD aims to build accountability, awareness, and the desire to build something strong. Groval Selectia nurtures it all. We act as a catalyst to meet the criteria set for the organization’s growth. We identify the right people and take them on a journey of growth with a role that suits them best.
The metrics depend on the functions of the participating leaders. OD is a cross-cultural program and so are its metrics. In a scientifically designed OD project, the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) are curated to meet different perspectives that are propagated within the organizations. The metrics are based on the short-term and long-term goals of the organizations. For example, if the project is based on customer success, the metrics would be recovering X number of lost customers in Y months. In the sales project, it could be building X% additional revenue from key accounts. The metrics need to be chosen carefully and sharply designed to enable business success. These parameters need to be measured monthly.
OD projects focus on holistic development of senior leaders such as founders, CEOs and business leaders, that is key in ensuring optimum performance. OD projects help them develop. Without the right level of nudging and guidance, expecting individuals to give their 100% can lead to disappointment in both the short term and the long term. Many organizations tend to delay the objective of investing in building capabilities. In such cases, fulfilling business objectives takes a backseat. It is important to remember that OD is not a luxury, it is a need.
While OD continues to be timeless and has remained relevant for decades, there are several disruptions in the modern business landscape. From political unrest to technological innovations, manpower-related issues to growing aspirations among the workforce, high competition, and endless opportunities – all of these increase the need for OD in businesses. These factors have increased the need for a systematic review of business and cultural aspects. Organizations need to build their priorities and instil a sense of accountability among their employees. OD plays a key role in helping build a holistic approach towards growth and success.
Every organization has a different culture. Their demography, geography, and socio-economic understanding play a very important role in differentiating the strategies for OD projects. In the Indian context, cultural nuances play a huge role in determining the approach. The techniques and methods in OD that work for Northern state-based organizations are not remotely the same as the other parts of the country, for example. Similarly, the OD approach that is a success in the European countries has no guarantee of being a success in the Southeast Asian parts of the world. When it comes to determining the approach, we have to treat every organization as an individual. Each of their complications and behavior patterns is different from the other one. In a crux, every OD project needs to be treated with a different approach. However, the fundamentals remain the same.

Some of the common beliefs around OD are:

  • Projects do not reach their end goals
  • The takeaway for stakeholders is that they need to change  everyone
  • OD projects guarantee results.

However, the truth is different. OD cannot be treated as a result. It  helps generate efforts that are key in generating the desired results.   The hope of compelling everyone to change is impractical. What OD   encourages is to use the learnings to mix into the organizational culture   and slowly include everyone in it. OD is not the building, it is the foundation  that encourages growth and development. OD isn’t the end, it is a means, a   catalyst. The speed in which the leaders will be able to witness the success   of the projects depend solely on the dreams and goals of the key   stakeholders.

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