dinkar@groval-selectia.com |

Sales Leadership Coaching Programmes

Build your sales pipeline consistently. Grow your revenue by inspiring the members of your Sales and delivery teams

Build Future Readiness

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Sales Leadership Coaching Programmes

Build your sales pipeline consistently. Grow your revenue by inspiring the members of your Sales and delivery teams

Build Future Readiness

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Build High-performance Sales teams through Sales Leadership Coaching

Serve customers and shareholders better by improving sales planning, effective people management and systematic competence building.

Sales leadership is far more complex than what we can imagine it to be. With the changing goals of the constantly growing organizations, numerous things need to be developed in the personality of a sales leader. In our sales leadership enablement, we develop the sales leaders on numerous aspects to build better business outcomes.
Focus areas for Sales leadership development
We have practically executed sales leadership engagements with a very high success rate. We have also coached MDs and CEOs to be even more effective as sales leaders
Sales planning and people management need distinct personality traits. For a high-performance Sales team , we need to have right degree of both hunters and farmers in our team to achieve the set targets. Key to success lies in knowing our own strengths and team capabilities

Key focus areas

24 Sessions | 90 Minutes Per Session | Online and Offline Mode

Sales Leadership Coaching Programmes

The Sales Head’s job is to meet people’s business goals and expectations from time to time. That needs a good combination of high EQ coupled with a strategic mindset.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To enhance results from the team 
  • To enhance connection with the team members 
  • To build better processes and systems to achieve business goals
  • To realign current business processes to the futuristic ones 
  • To build the morale of the team to a better quality of sales leadership

Levels of receptiveness depend on the maturity of the sales leader and the ability of the coach to build the connection. It is found that leaders who are serious about their personal growth accept the inputs from the coach very optimistically. Our experience from coaching has been highly reassuring whenever we did engagements that were driven by top management. When the board and top management display seriousness about a leadership project, the receptiveness is relatively higher compared to the scenario where top management doesn’t display conviction. Conviction of the top management is critical to making sales transformation projects a success.

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