July 2, 2022

Are you a leader with an abundance mindset who lets their people flourish?

The abundance mindset has been discussed in ample books and made a huge impact on leaders. This has helped people shift the way they think, act and run their businesses. 

The abundance mindset is also called the growth mindset and this is a very healthy approach to work.  

There are essentially three types of people at work – the ones who are envious of others’ growth, the neutral ones and the ones who enjoy others’ success. 

Let us dive back into our roots, much before the abundance mindset gained popularity and see what our forerunners had to say. “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” is a common and popular saying in Sanskrit which means “May All Beings Everywhere Be Happy and Free”. 

As a leader, a manager or a person that works with a team, you have a great opportunity to let your people flourish in all aspects. What is the first step? 

The first step is moving from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. This process is a little time-consuming as the process involves an entire turnaround in the mind the way we approach ourselves, others and the universe we live in. 

This starts reflecting our actions, communication, behaviour, feedback and pretty much everything in the workplace. This helps you create an organic growth just the way a well-nourished soil grows trees and healthy trees give out flowers or fruits. 

The abundance mindset starts with gratitude. A catchy phrase that it is, leaders often say that they work with the attitude of gratitude. This helps people find their internal security and sets them free from external possessions or associations. 

“The mind is everything, what you think, you become”  and this couldn’t have been more true. 

How to be a great leader in the corporate world with an abundance mindset? 

  1. There’s enough for all 

It is important to remember that the world, even the business world, has enough for all. We are often conditioned to think otherwise but it is purely up to us to break this mental barrier.

  1. Creating a win-win 

In reality of life, we are constantly contributing to the success of others, even without us knowing. Understanding this can help us create a win-win at work and not a win-lose situation as that’s a shallow approach to life. 

  1. Letting people grow 

The best way to help people grow is by identifying their strengths and helping them bank on their strengths. Let them do their magic, their thing and as a leader, it will surely yield the results you’re looking for. 

  1. Developing the abundance mindset 

When a leader experiences the goodness of abundance mindset, they immediately cultivate this mindset with other associates, colleagues and team members. This creates like-minded people in the workplace and helps people grow abundantly together. 

A lot of companies have started gratitude sessions where every team member expresses what they are grateful for. If you have had a stressful week at work, try to have one such session and you will notice an entire turnaround in the energy of the people. 

“What you believe in is what you receive”. If you believe in growth, you receive it. Your mind and actions align to create the growth you’re looking for and you receive the support of the universe to do so. 

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie. 

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